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Titre Sign languages, a new frontier?: SIL plans to begin its first Bible...
translation for the Deaf.
Rentrer Seever, Janet.
# d'Appelle Local WORDAlive, Jul/Sep 1994
Statut Cet item est présentement en bibliothéque.
Séries WORDAlive magazine.
Pages p. 10-11
Information de Publication Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 1994
Code de Type/Jours WAM-WORDAlive Magazine / Cet element peut circuler pour 7 Jours
Département WAM-WORDAlive Magazine
Média WAM-WORDAlive Magazine
Volume/Distribuer Jul/Sep 1994 (12:4)
Sujets Brazilian Sign Language.
Chinese Sign Language.
Grimes, Barbara, Wycliffe U.S. member, Ethnologue editor.
SIL, Wycliffe's sister field organization, Ethnologue publisher.
Larson, Millie, videotaped American Sign Language Bible translation consultant.
Canadian Sign Languages (Canadian, American, Eskimo and French Canadian)
Ethnologue 1988, sign languages included for first time.
Deaf=distinct cultural/linguistic community.
deaf=hearing impairment.
Bickford, Albert, SIL member, Mexico branch.
University of California, international centre for sign language research.
Mexican Sign Language (MSL)
Faurot, Karla, pilot project worker in Mexican Sign Language.
Dellinger, Dianne, pilot project worker in Mexican Sign Language.
Eatough, Andy, pilot project worker in Mexican Sign Language.
Parkhurst, Steve, pilot project worker in Mexican Sign Language.
Description Sign languages, a new frontier?: SIL plans to