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Title A Bibliography of Karen linguistics
Author(s) Manson, Ken.
Local Call Num. ONLINE
Status This item is currently IN the library.
Pages 36 p.
Publishing Info 2023
Loan Type/Days ONL-Online / This item may circulate for 0 Days
Department ONL-Online
Media ONL-Online
Subjects Karen people--Southeast Asia.
Sino-Tibetan linguistics--Bibliography.
Description Intro:
This bibliography is an update from Manson (2017a). Over the last decade there has been an increase of publications, notably Kato’s research on Pwo, Theraphan’s work on reconstructing Proto-Karen, several papers coming out of field methods classes (e.g. Brunelle (ed.) 2011, Mora-Marin (ed.) 2014b) and some MA-level studies. Unfortunately, there is no linguist, except Atsuhiko Kato, in a permanent academic position focusing on this incredibly significant branch of Tibeto-Burman.

Three PhD level grammars have been written on Karen languages – Solnit (Eastern Kayah); Kato (Pwo); and Manson (Kayan). The most extensive and thorough is Kato’s grammar which unfortunately is written in Japanese and in third place is my grammar.

I have now transferred the bibliography to Zotero and removed from the preceding bibliography (Manson 2010b) all references to only anthropological work and monolingual resources for the “Karen” audience. I have not systematically searched and collated book reviews or anthropological work, but some book reviews are scattered in this current bibliography.

The reference style is the Unified Style Sheet for Linguistic Journals. I have alphabetised Burmese, Karen and Thai
names as “first name – last name”.
Resources Bibliography of Karen linguistics