Canada Institute of Linguistics


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Janke, Dwayne. "Dear diary"...: Word Alive editor Dwayne Janke shares from his daily journal... Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 1987
WORDAlive, Feb/Apr 1987 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Crough, Deborah. "Finally, eh? Finally!": with God's Word in their own language, the Algonquin... Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 1999
WORDAlive, Spring 1999 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Forster, Keith. "It's a miracle!": Border Kuna [New Testament], Panama/Colombia. Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 1995
WORDAlive, Feb/Mar 1995 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Janke, Dwayne. "Jesus was a gypsy": a former gambling addict ministers to his own Sinte... Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 2006
WORDAlive, Fall 2006 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Seever, Janet. "Just like us!": the Old Testament teaches the Ngbaka people about ordinary... Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 1997
WORDAlive, Fall 1997 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Janke, Dwayne. "Managing" to make a difference: Bill Hampton draws on 14 years of... Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 2002
WORDAlive, Spring 2002 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Errington, Ellen. "Return" of the papers: a legend among the Cotabato Manobo people... Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 1989
WORDAlive, Apr/May 1989 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Olson, Fran. Ama [New Testament], Papua New Guinea. Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 1992
WORDAlive, Mar/Apr 1992 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Clark, Larry, compiler. Aneme Wake [New Testament], Papua New Guinea. Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 1990
WORDAlive, Mar/Apr 1990 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Peterson, Rita. Angel of a dentist, An: over 10,000 Quichua patients in Ecuador's remote... Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 1991
WORDAlive, Nov/Dec 1991 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Clark, Larry, compiler. Apalai [New Testament], Brazil. Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 1987
WORDAlive, May/Jun 1987 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Seever, Janet. Celebrate we did! Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 1994
WORDAlive, Mar/Apr 1994 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Clark, Larry, compiler. Central Tunebo [New Testament], Colombia. Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 1989
WORDAlive, Feb/Mar 1989 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Wiebe, Ruth. Chachi [Ecuador]: schools & Scriptures. Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 1992
WORDAlive, Oct/Nov 1992 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Seever, Janet. Cheke Holo [New Testament], Solomon Islands. Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 1995
WORDAlive, Feb/Mar 1995 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.

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