Canada Institute of Linguistics


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Janke, Dwayne. Breaking through the silence: a fledging sign language project aims to... Calgary, AB Wyclifffe Canada. 2012
WORDAlive, Fall 2012 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Janke, Dwayne. Canada: Little church on the Prairie: with a steady influx of their people... Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 2006
WORDAlive, Summer 2006 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Janke, Dwayne. Celling the Word: translated scriptures on hand phones are getting an... Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 2010
WORDAlive, Fall 2010 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Janke, Dwayne. Coach Amy: drawing from her own experience, Wycliffe Canada's internship... Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 2015
WORDAlive, Spring 2015 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Janke, Dwayne. Computing pastor, The: Wycliffe Canada's information technology staff is led... Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 2015
WORDAlive, Spring 2015 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Janke, Dwayne. Crashing start, A: a plane accident jump-started aviation services by JAARS. Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 1998
WORDAlive, Fall 1998 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Janke, Dwayne. Cree initiative, A: helping First Nations people give God's Word to their own... Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 2017
WORDAlive, Jan/Apr 2017 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Janke, Dwayne. Dear diary: what do they do at a training workshop for First Nations... Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 2017
WORDAlive, Jan/Apr 2017 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Janke, Dwayne. Deeper instead of wider: a church in B.C. pursues a relationship-based... Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 2014
WORDAlive, Summer 2014 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Janke, Dwayne. Different God speaks, A: AIDIA is working hard so that God's Word in Eastern... Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 2014
WORDAlive, Summer 2014 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Janke, Dwayne. Do you have a hardy personality?: evaluate yourself with this list of 14... Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 1991
WORDAlive, Apr/May 1991 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Janke, Dwayne. Dog-eared scriptures: worn-out copies of God's Word is the ambition of a... Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 2010
WORDAlive, Fall 2010 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Janke, Dwayne. Double vision, A: the Evangelical Church of Guinea-Bissau sees Bible... Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 2012
WORDAlive, Fall 2012 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Janke, Dwayne. E-Book is coming, The: after an uncertain start, translation for an audio New... Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 2008
WORDAlive, Fall 2008 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.
Janke, Dwayne. Equally yoked: God brings a Norwegian and a Mongolian together in marriage... Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 2005
WORDAlive, Summer 2005 Location: Canada Institute of Linguistics.

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