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Title Celling the Word: translated scriptures on hand phones are getting an...
enthusiastic response in Timor.
Author(s) Janke, Dwayne.
Local Call Num. WORDAlive, Fall 2010
Status This item is currently IN the library.
Series WORDAlive magazine.
Pages p. 30-33
Publishing Info Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 2010
Loan Type/Days WAM-WORDAlive Magazine / This item may circulate for 7 Days
Department WAM-WORDAlive Magazine
Media WAM-WORDAlive Magazine
Volume/Issue Fall 2010 (28:3)
Subjects GMIT's Language and Culture Unit--Kupang, Timor.
Evangelical Protestant Church of Timor (GMIT)
Grimes, Chuck and Barbara.
Therik, Rani, digital distributor of God's Word.
Cameron, Stuart, Scripture distribution via cellphone.
Go Bible, putting translated Scriptures on cellphones.
Kupang Malay New Testament--Timor.
Resources Celling the Word: translated scriptures on hand