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Titre Germany: We came home: as Mennonite Germans from Russia, the Berg...
family made the challenging and life-changing choice to start a new life in...
Rentrer Janke, Dwayne.
# d'Appelle Local WORDAlive, Summer 2006
Statut Cet item est présentement en bibliothéque.
Séries WORDAlive magazine.
Pages p. 24-29
Information de Publication Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 2006
Code de Type/Jours WAM-WORDAlive Magazine / Cet element peut circuler pour 7 Jours
Département WAM-WORDAlive Magazine
Média WAM-WORDAlive Magazine
Volume/Distribuer Summer 2006 (24:2)
Sujets Daut Niehe Tastament, Plautdietsch New Testament.
Wiens, Peter, part-time director of the Plautdietsch Friends Society.
Berg, Wilhelm and Helen, Russian Mennonite immigrants to Germany.
August-Hermann-Francke School--Detmold, Germany.
Henne, David, translation consultant for Plautdietsch Old Testament.
Stewart, Viola Reimer, translation consultant for Plautdietsch Old Testament.
Neufeld, John J. and Wycliffe Canada's Peter Fast, translators.
Sawatzki, Viktor, Plautdietsch radio program production head.
Zacharias, Ed, Plautdietsch Old Testament translator, Mexico.
De Bibel, Plautdietsch Bible--Germany.
Description Full subtitle: as Mennonite Germans from Russia, the Berg family made the challenging and life-changing choice to start a new life in Germany. They have lots of company.
Description Germany: We came home: as Mennonite Germans