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Título From cow shed to village square: Varghese John and his wife Shiji have gone...
from being outsiders to accepted kin among the Ollar Gadaba people they serve...
Regreso Janke, Dwayne.
# de Llamada Local WORDAlive, Summer 2007
Posición Este articulo está disponible en la biblioteca.
Serie WORDAlive magazine.
Paginas p. 22-29
Publicar Información Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 2007
Tipo Número/Días WAM-WORDAlive Magazine / Este item puede circular para 7 Días
Departamento WAM-WORDAlive Magazine
Medio WAM-WORDAlive Magazine
Volúmenes/Publique Summer 2007 (25:2)
Sujetos Gadaba language (India)--New Testament--Translating of.
Kurien, Mathews and Ruby, Word for All (WFA) translators.
John, Varghese and Shiji, Word for All (WFA) translators.
Descripción Full subtitle: Varghese John and his wife Shiji have gone from being outsiders to accepted kin among the Ollar Gadaba people they serve in Bible translation. It wasn't easy.
Descripción From cow shed to village square: Varghese John