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Title We see and hear it. Now we understand. Scripture videos draw crowds, hold...
people's attention, and touch their hearts.
Author(s) Janke, Dwayne.
Local Call Num. WORDAlive, Summer 1998
Status This item is currently IN the library.
Series WORDAlive magazine.
Pages p. 3-6
Publishing Info Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 1998
Loan Type/Days WAM-WORDAlive Magazine / This item may circulate for 7 Days
Department WAM-WORDAlive Magazine
Media WAM-WORDAlive Magazine
Volume/Issue Summer 1998 (16:2)
Subjects JAARS, Wycliffe's technical arm--Video dubbing.
Genesis Project, producer of Luke and Genesis video series.
Campbell, Bob and Barbara, SIL translators for Jamamadi New Testament, Brazil.
Royer, Gottlieb, translator of Kanasi New Testament, Papua New Guinea.
Video as stimulater of interest in reading Scriptures.
Shannon, Al, non-print media specialist for SIL's Peru Branch.
Easthouse, Randy and Linda, literacy and Scripture use promoters, Peru.
Luke film viewing by Quechua people, Peru.
Gibson, Gwen, Joy McCarthy's SIL colleague.
Campus Crusade, producer of Jesus film (paraphrase of Luke)
Easthouse, Randy and Linda, Wycliffe Canada members, literacy workers.
McCarthy, Joy, Wycliffe Canada member, translator of Kanite & Inoke N. Testament
Resources We see and hear it. Now we understand.