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Título From the Creator Himself: after two decades of work, God's translated Word...
comes to B.C.'s Central Carrier people.
Regreso Crough, Deborah.
# de Llamada Local WORDAlive, Spring 1997
Posición Este articulo está disponible en la biblioteca.
Serie WORDAlive magazine.
Paginas p. 8-9
Publicar Información Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 1997
Tipo Número/Días WAM-WORDAlive Magazine / Este item puede circular para 7 Días
Departamento WAM-WORDAlive Magazine
Medio WAM-WORDAlive Magazine
Volúmenes/Publique Spring 1997 (15:1)
Sujetos Prince, Lynda, tribal chief of the Carrier Sekanie Tribal Council.
Central Carrier New Testament--British Columbia, Canada.
Hall, Lizette, mothertongue translator.
Walker, Dick and Shirley, SIL members, translators and literacy workers.
Wilkenson, Dave and Kay, literacy program curriculum developers.
Wilkenson, Dave and Kay, overseers of teacher training workshops.
Wilkenson, Dave and Kay, major developers of 1st Central Carrier dictionary.
International Bible Society, Central Carrier New Testament publisher.
Descripción From the Creator Himself: after two decades of