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Título Boomers & busters: today's main missionary recruitment pool is filled with...
two unique types of people. How will Wycliffe and other organizations respond...
Regreso Janke, Dwayne.
# de Llamada Local WORDAlive, Apr/May 1991
Posición Este articulo está disponible en la biblioteca.
Serie WORDAlive magazine.
Paginas p. 4-7, 14
Publicar Información Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 1991
Tipo Número/Días WAM-WORDAlive Magazine / Este item puede circular para 7 Días
Departamento WAM-WORDAlive Magazine
Medio WAM-WORDAlive Magazine
Volúmenes/Publique Apr/May 1991 (9:2)
Sujetos Boomers.
Iwasko, Ronald, Assemblies of God foreign missions research secretary.
Baby busters, born after 1964.
Baby boomers, born 1946-1964.
Gardner, Dick & Laura Mae, Wycliffe International counselling coordinators.
Descripción Full subtitle: today's main missonary recruitment pool is filled with two unique types of people. How will Wycliffe and other organizations respond to them?
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Descripción Boomers & busters