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Title Healing word, The: a member of the Translators Association of the Philippines...
combines spiritual care with health care among the Cotabato Manobo people.
Author(s) Labaro, Pacita.
Duncan, Nancy.
Local Call Num. WORDAlive, Apr/May 1989
Status This item is currently IN the library.
Series WORDAlive magazine.
Pages p. 12-13
Publishing Info Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 1989
Loan Type/Days WAM-WORDAlive Magazine / This item may circulate for 7 Days
Department WAM-WORDAlive Magazine
Media WAM-WORDAlive Magazine
Volume/Issue Apr/May 1989 (7:2)
Subjects Labaro, Pacita, assigned to Cotabato Manobo project, Belanga, Philippines.
Labaro, Pacita, missionary nurse, TAP member.
Translators Association of the Philippines (TAP)
Duncan, Nancy, Wycliffe U.S. member, SIL Philippines Branch.
Duncan, Nancy, director's assistant, public affairs office, SIL Philippines.
Description "with Nancy Duncan"
PDF only.
Resources Healing word