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Title Assignment: service.
Author(s) Blake, Mary.
Local Call Num. WORDAlive, May/Jun 1984
Status This item is currently IN the library.
Series WORDAlive magazine.
Pages p. 12-13
Publishing Info Calgary, AB Wycliffe Canada. 1984
Loan Type/Days WAM-WORDAlive Magazine / This item may circulate for 7 Days
Department WAM-WORDAlive Magazine
Media WAM-WORDAlive Magazine
Volume/Issue May/Jun 1984 (2:3)
Subjects Institute of National Language, Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports (MECS)
Blake, Mary, SIL member, Services Department worker in the Philippines.
Services Department, SIL Philippines.
Torres, Peter, shipper/clearer of items through Philippine customs.
Werkema, Tom, Services Department in-charge, SIL office in Manila.
Description PDF only.
Resources Assignment: service