Freedom Login

In order to access the L4U Freedom features, users must login to the iPAC. Login is accomplished by entering a client code and PIN/Password and is controlled by the Library Administrator.

To login to the iPAC:

1.   From any iPAC page, Click Login under toolbar

2.   Do one of the fol­lowing

   Enter your Cli­ent Code

   Enter your last name

3.   Enter your PIN/Password

   The PIN/Pass­word is not case sensitive

4.   Click Login

Note: If there are more than one clients with the same last name and the same PIN, then you must Login using your Client Code.

iPac Platinum Log Out

It is best practice to always log out of the iPAC once you have completed your work. This ensures that no one else is able to view your account or perform transactions under your login. To log out of iPAC:

1.   From any iPAC page, Click Log Out

2.   Do one of the following:

   Click Yes, Logout and save my session to return later. This option will have L4U restore the contents of your bookbag upon your next login.

   Click Yes, Logout and delete my session. This option deletes the contents of your bookbag

   If you selected Log Out in error and would like to return to the iPAC, Click the button to the right of No, please return

3.   The iPAC home page appears

Quit iPAC

The steps to quit the L4U iPAC entirely differ depending upon your connection type. If you are accessing the internal iPAC through the L4U program, you need to first close the iPAC window and then File > Quit or Change Password Level to switch to Administration mode. If you are accessing the iPAC through a web browser:

1.   If you are logged in, be sure to log out

2.   File > Exit or File > Quit depending on your operating system